I Found It

I found it.  It’s called Husk and it’s on Queen Street in Charleston, South Carolina.

Husk is a bar that’s completely, utterly, devoted to bourbon.  Their bartenders know bourbon, I mean really know it….they’re fanatical.  When they’re not serving it, they’re making it; experimenting with honey, peaches, rosemary, rhubarb and beets, trying to come up with the some unique combination that raises a few eyebrows.

Want a skinny girl margarita?  This isn’t the place for you.  Prefer to watch the NFL draft?  Look elsewhere.  These guys do bourbon, and that’s it.

Husk is the type of place that makes you think:  You can try to be everything to everybody and wind up doing nothing well, or you can focus on one thing, and doing it better than anybody else.  Guess which one they’ll be blogging about the next day?

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